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Friday, March 30, 2007

What's Exciting About INNER Circle?

Trevor writes:

For me the most exciting thing about INNER Circle is the compounding growth of quality business contacts being added to our database (i.e. more quality business people for YOU to do good business with). Read on to see how it happens:

INNER Circle Business Forum network meetings are designed to be short, to-the-point, strictly business-focussed meetings for POSITIVE, PASSIONATE Business Owners, Directors & Decision-Makers who have precious little time to waste.

The meetings are facilitated and hosted by an INNER Circle HOST at any accessible venue that can cater for anything from 10 to 40 people between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (many stay on till 7 p.m. to tie down their next week's business appointments with the new contacts they have met and/or to tie down new Joint Ventures & Strategic Alliances.

We've had fantastic meetings with just 4 business-people in attendance to over 40 creating a massive networking din in a jam-packed room.

Note: The slides below have been reduced to thumbrint size to protect confidentiality of email data.

The left-hand thumbprint slide below shows a list and photos of +-24 attendees (sent to each meeting attendee within 24-hours of their meeting) at a coffee-shop venue.

The right-hand thumbprint slide below shows two INNER Circle HOST profiles (every INNER Circle member can develop a profile like this) with their two different meeting lists forwarded to their +- 26 attendees each within 24-hours.

To give you an insight into the compounding nature of our INNER Circle reach, the next two thumbprint slides show, on the left: the number of attendees attracted by 10 INNER Circle HOSTS to their different meetings in our 1st month of launch; and on the right: the number attracted by 30 HOSTS in our 6th month of operation.

The potential scale of business opportunities, joint ventures and strategic alliances arising from such compounding numbers is MASSIVE - one day, if you ask, I'll share the Synergistic Relationship formula with you showing you just how massive the potential opportunities really are. That's exciting to me..!

Our objective is to have 200 such INNER Circle meetings happening in different locations, hosted by 200 different INNER Circle HOSTS, every month.

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -


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