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Friday, April 06, 2007

Learn To NETWORK Like An Entrepreneur

Trevor writes:

Had this excellent article referred to me: Network Like an Entrepreneur

Although aimed at Corporate American employees, it touches at the core of key reasons why one should be in networking mode at all times. Points I like:

1. Entrepreneurs love to talk to people about their businesses — networking is typically their No. 1 or No. 2 channel for new clients.

2. What 'corporates' don't see is that by staying home instead of getting out to meet people, their own networks don't grow. And that, over time, can really hurt them.

3. Possessing a varied and vibrant network of contacts helps you make better decisions; provides you with advice and moral support for career steps and transitions as you encounter them; and gives you another outlet (besides your own workmates, your spouse or partner, and your dog) to vent about and process your experiences at work.

4. For avid networkers, network-building never ends. They are out and about, in person and online, making and cultivating relationships with people across the business ecosystem.

5. The people who really benefit from the buoyant networks around them are connectors, who I call the uber-networkers. Connectors are people who don't merely build their own networks but also introduce great people to one another.

6. Connectors thrive because they actively seek to move the value of their networks from one contact to another. They know — they trust — that this interaction will benefit them, too. Their networking isn't a matter of "help me, right now," but rather of finding common elements among the people they've known for years and the new people they're meeting.

7. Move into active networking and cultivate some terrific connecting skills

An excellent piece - read it: Network Like an Entrepreneur

Trevor Nel - 011 - 705-2790 -


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