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Thursday, November 06, 2008

INNER Circle FAIRLANDS - Heartfelt Testimonial

Sue Lunderstedt writes:

Hi everyone
I really enjoyed the meeting last night. Edgar Blomeyer invited me and had to attend another presentation at 7pm, so we had to leave straight after the meeting. It would have been nice to network a bit (and to enjoy the pizza - my favourite!). Next

I have been a member of BNI (Business Network International) for close on 5 years and served as President of the Cresta Chapter for a year. One can't really compare the two forums as they are very different. But, of course, I am happy to let you know what I thought.

The venue was very nice - a bit noisy, but if you listened carefully, it wasn't a problem. Loved the pictures - hope everyone starts to take note of ALL the walls around them, wherever they go, especially empty ones that need my creative touch.

I thought the mix of businesses was excellent - I come across many different types of businesses at BNI, but was fascinated by quite a few of the ideas eminating from the various businesses represented. Flick's business was fascinating, and I liked her belief that if you are trying to do business in another country, especially if there is a culture and language barrier, it is better to train someone from that environment, who speaks the language and understands the culture, and for them to pursue the business on your behalf.

I wasn't aware that I had to make a presentation last night, but would like to congratulate everyone on their talks and power point presentations (well done Mariet!) I was certainly enlightened by the time I left. I like the idea of everyone getting a chance to talk or do a presentation - at BNI you only get 60 seconds a week and it isn't enough time to explain your business properly. My business is easier than others as it is a "show and tell" business, but some businesses need presentations and certainly longer than 60 seconds to get the message across. It has a far greater impact when each person gets time to speak about their business in a little more depth. Not only does it help the audience to understand what they do, but you also get to meet the "person" behind the business.

I thought Trevor's enthusiasm was wonderful and his suggestions for potential synergy between businesses is really beneficial, especially to those who are new to networking. Most people find networking difficult at first, but it does get easier - you just need to work at it, and work at it some more. It becomes a way of life and a part of your life.

Thanks for a wonderful meeting. I will come up with some creative ideas before the next meeting and will share them with you.

As mentioned, I have a function on Thursday 27 November - I would have loved to be at the Inner Circle meeting, BUT I will see you all in January. I am hoping to bring my Interior Decorator friend with me, who is a member of another chapter of BNI - we do a lot of work together. No doubt it will be a "show and tell" - I will bring my string canvases to show you.

Happy networking for the rest of the year and I wish you all a happy Christmas and a FUN New Year.

Best regards

Tel: +27 (0) 11 793-3120
Cell: +27 (0) 82-852-4844


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